May the ever prayed Shiva Shakti grant me a merciful inspirations
so that I may contribute my services to make the nation rich.

MSME Regd.
The unit – Deva Group Deva Education & Training Centre
Deva Activity Centre
The unit – Deva Educatio n Group & Training Centre
(MSME Regd.) – Deva Activity Center
Deva Group in its Services –
Focus – A major role for the —-
A System to Systematize
the life value ‘The Whole’
(For the whole life all progress and activity & water and drinking water all solution.
(The Sanatanic view of Treatment)
A journey to health update
richer the destination
(No life System – No life value – No Business – No success)
A run towards prosperity through health update.
Apple Channels
(Life Value Solutions – The fix target )
Join the Apple Channels

The biggest of all businesses, the way to lead-
Goal- Life value mission- how to make the life purposeful & how to tune the life attain to the health wellness, activity and sharp brain; Water & drinking water all solution. A solution oriented base plan of disease free non painful life to save from unnecessary burden of Medicines, Awareness and Alertness program of Environmental safety to ‘health update’ & healthy Living utility products deal fit at analytical properties standard.
A new trends of Eligibility formation to achieve the goal.
A platform to make able to win the worldly sucess.
How to shape the idea
Win to the money race
Invite the all of you to Join ‘Big Aim India’ Program.
Mission- To prepare ‘skillful persons’.
As so higher the thinking, so higher the building.
An advanced system to win worldly success- Targeting healthy Life Style, Proficient knowledge of health fitness and the root of economic health to achieve the goal, income generating strategic plans & formulae of all round development.
(A motivational program on how to make a leading activity)
We believe in-
Don’t Count troubles
Learn from troubles.
Otherwise you can not win
K.P. Srivastava
Motivational Trainer
For the solution of – Polluted- water, food and atmospheric space.
The Base View – Emphasising a New trends of an easy Coach program services to health update & targeting to facilitate healthy living utility products at affordable budget concluding over the standard of its analytical properties study.
OFFER – A very common, an advanced system of wellness program to health update with its needs deal; Aiming to solve all the life struggles needs through a process of justified ‘Sanatanic view of treatment’ as the demand of time and how to turn an idea into the big to enrich you at mental, physical, spiritual, cultural, social, economic and environmental safety level.
The Theme View :-
The secret of Activity to be the rich one.
Heart Balance + Mind Balance + Environment Balance
The system of health, wealth, Activity and sharp brain.
At by this process, nothing is impossible to achieve.
LEARN TO EARN A very practical ‘a short term’ coach services to make you the goal achiever (Almost in all streams).
Class 1 brains & team support to connect you with the modern approaches.
Free- Training, Mentoring, Resource, Beneficial schemes offer & support.
9 steps of leading activity training – Enrollment Rs. 100/-
Learners/ To earn, learners
For college students/ office staffs/ the retired.
Having a plan to launch (a quick service center of goal achiever making).
Village to village.
A chance to become our channel partner.
Special schemes offer-
Life support services & awareness products.
By Deva Education & Training Center –
1- A system to systematize the life value, the whole.
2- A journey to health update, richer the destination.
3- Life value solution- Apple Channels.
4- Solution on the basis of Covid – 19 & pollution.
5- Big Aim India program.
6- Come up to win mission (motivational program).
7- How to shape the Idea. Win to the money race.
8- Health care & Activity training.
(Child, Youth, Women, The old).
9- Brain Activation service point.
10- All purpose communicative English to Connect with World Knowledge.
11- Sanskar Mangal Classes.
12- Prakhar Pratibha Magazine.
By DEVA Activity Center –
1- Companions Home.
2- Be careful, be aware alertness program.
3- A low budzet Nutritional Mineral Water Processing distribution services.
(water ATM Booth services.)
4- Master plan- Online healthy living products & services.
5- Canopy stores Business plan.
6- Make to own Trust Home employment health mission plan.
7- Fasttrac club.
By Deva Education & Training Center –
1- A system to systematize the life value, the whole.
2- A journey to health update, richer the destination.
3- Life value solution- Apple Channels.
4- Solution on the basis of Covid – 19 & pollution.
5- Big Aim India program.
6- Come up to win mission (motivational program).
7- How to shape the Idea. Win to the money race.
8- Health care & Activity training.
(Child, Youth, Women, The old).
9- Brain Activation service point.
10- All purpose communicative English to Connect with World Knowledge.
11- Sanskar Mangal Classes.
12- Prakhar Pratibha Magazine.
By DEVA Activity Center –
1- Companions Home.
2- Be careful, be aware alertness program.
3- A low budzet Nutritional Mineral Water Processing distribution services.
(water ATM Booth services.)
4- Master plan- Online healthy living products & services.
5- Canopy stores Business plan.
6- Make to own Trust Home employment health mission plan.
7- Fasttrac club.

For the details, schemes offer, go to the service page, contact page & about us page.
Solutions on the basis of facing recent striking problems – (Covid -19 & its Variants and Pollution problems).
Estimating how corona and its variants spread its arms into all over the world and a number of class 1 brains are now by ingaged in searching its proper solution. Now, we have habitually applied precautions rule in our daily routine. The long impact of corona & its variants and the big problem of polluted- water, Air & Earth (food) hygiene has become our lives suffocated.
Let us come to move towards the sanatanic pattern of Living System – the only way of proper solutions.
The impact of Covid- 19 & its Variants –
The issue of a worrisome threat- under compulsion conscious unprecedented behaviourial changes; a fear feelings ‘Community spread, avoid to touch and pass transition, a sense of hesitation to meet with another and almost non free health support atmospheric space’ A big gap to the present and upcoming generation.
(At the Age of Covid- 19 & other variants war)
The cause of inactivity and lack of sharp brain.
(At the Age of Covid- 19 & other variants war)
The cause of inactivity and lack of sharp brain.

The impact on human life

Rapid Hurrash of Life Cycle
(Body remains like a leakage pot)
All wellness through our system- Follow up the daily life need routine of sanatanic view of treatment.
Prevention a prime need to be addicted of temporary cure of medicines. We focus on how to maintain health fitness and conquer the fear of diseases, stress and unhappenings.
Not any liquid elements stays remain in a leakage pot.
Prevention a prime need to be addicted of temporary cure of medicines. We focus on how to maintain health fitness and conquer the fear of diseases, stress and unhappenings.
Not any liquid elements stays remain in a leakage pot.
Searching leading personality
Searching to make leading personality
More and more ideas are welcome in this regard-
Have a contact with us.
Take Ideas
Send Ideas
(A platform of friend to friend co- ordination ‘Where none has to wander at the any step of his success.’)
TARGET – Solution through Natural ways- Gas problem, Weak Immunity Power, Nerves weakness, Stress Problem.
APPROACHES To the System Deal –

APPROACHES To the System Deal –
The basis of Healthy Life Style-
- Teeth Cleaning (Herbal)
- Stomach balancing through hygienic food and water
- Maintaining the system of body cleanse.
- Home fit at environmental safety level
- Spiritual power to attain the great concepts of knowledge.

The most needful for-
Saving you from unnecessary burden of Medicines taking and ‘of no cause’ of pain tolerating.
Acts on the Man’s nature & behavior of this era-
To the some extent, Afraid of something pretend love to get something. Carelessly, has lost something.
Schemes Offer- Become the classic member of ‘The Companions Home’.
Pay Rs. 121/- (One Hundred Eleven only) to become the classic number.
with Four Products (Flat off. – 25- 40%) Rs. 121/- & Five Samples Free.
Select Eco- friendly Health Care Utility Products.
(1) Nutritional R.O. Water Minerals.
(2) Wheat straw Tooth Brush + Copper Tongue Cleaner
(3) Natural Mosquito Repellent.
Free – 5 Samples of
(1) Water Minerals for direct tap water.
(2) Tea with green tea mix (Nutritional value).
(3) Aroma Mask Patch (Keep mood fresh)
(4) Bhringraj with Trifla Hair Oil.
(5) Herbs mix immunity booster Kadha.
Visit at our office to take- Free, Courier charges extra as applicable.

Free – 5 Samples of
(1) Water Minerals for direct tap water.
(2) Tea with green tea mix (Nutritional value).
(3) Aroma Mask Patch (Keep mood fresh)
(4) Bhringraj with Trifla Hair Oil.
(5) Herbs mix immunity booster Kadha.
Visit at our office to take- Free, Courier charges extra as applicable.

Facilitations – Health guideline “daily routine follow up.” and a number of Life support Utility Products with its Analytical properties details.
‘Be Careful, Be Aware’ Alertness Program
A sincere approaches to assess the products quality before using.
Trust only to see the analytical properties study, whether its fit or not on ‘Eco Friendly health wellness level’.
Searches the Views only to the best-
Polluted water, impure & Adulterated food products & polluted non free atmospheric space – A big threat to the world.
A platform of an advanced and innovative system aiming to solve all the life struggles needs.
Invites- The all & all the educated, come up to move towards its sharing their proficient knowledge.
No. 1. Solution- Some prominent properties details and facilitation. (Eco- friendly Products)
The view searches- Only the products at affordable budget.
- Proven & Lab Tested & FSSAI approved premix Nutritional water minerals to mix 20 liters R.). treated water to make no harmful Natural Drinking Water (Rs.- 6/20 liters water( & water minerals to mix in direct tap water to neturalize the bacteria and balancing at drinking level. (Rs. 6/20 liters water).
- An advanced ‘Mineral liquid Refilling Cartridge’ best to fit in Domestic R.O. Set.
- An advaned and Innovative water ATM Booth (at the Stnd. of W.H.O. & E.P.A.) facilitate our services by accordingly dosing system with the help of our tie up water purification plant ISO certified Company.
- 100 % Eco- friendly tooth Brushes (Wheat straw Tooth Brush) Biodegradable- Save from all infections.

Water Minerals Powder

Water Minerals Liquid Refilling Cartilage
- Proven & Lab Tested & FSSAI approved premix Nutritional water minerals to mix 20 liters R.). treated water to make no harmful Natural Drinking Water (Rs.- 6/20 liters water( & water minerals to mix in direct tap water to neturalize the bacteria and balancing at drinking level. (Rs. 6/20 liters water).
- An advanced ‘Mineral liquid Refilling Cartridge’ best to fit in Domestic R.O. Set.
- An advaned and Innovative water ATM Booth (at the Stnd. of W.H.O. & E.P.A.) facilitate our services by accordingly dosing system with the help of our tie up water purification plant ISO certified Company.
- 100 % Eco- friendly tooth Brushes (Wheat straw Tooth Brush) Biodegradable- Save from all infections.
Bristles are made of Activated Charcoal, the outer cap of coconut). (Not safe to use- A long time plastic brushes).
Note – 90% of plastic brush- (Crude Oil, Rubber & Mix of plastic and petroleum.
Nylon & Synthetic fiber base are the kinds of plastic.
5. Copper Tongue Cleaner- Maintain the test of tongue and fight against diseases and cancer.
6. 100% natural liquid mosquito repellant – (Non toxic properties) Made of botanical Aroma oil. And more and more eco friendly health care wellness and awareness details on your whatsapp/ mail.
Always make evail a lot of products systematic details on the stand. of be careful and be aware alertness products on your whatsapp/ mail.